- Chinese Ambassador to Sweden Cui Aimin Meets with President of the Regional Council of Västra Götaland Renée Bengtsson(2024-11-09)
- Uttalande av talesperson för Kinas ambassad i Sverige gällande enskilda svenska riksdagsledamöters falska uttalanden om Kina(2024-11-03)
- Chinese Ambassador to Sweden Cui Aimin Met with Director General for Trade Policy at Sweden’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs Camilla Mellander(2024-11-02)
- Chinese Ambassador to Sweden Cui Aimin met with State Secretary for Foreign Affairs of Sweden Dag Hartelius(2024-10-22)
- Ambassador Cui Aimin Meets with Deputy Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Swedish Riksdag(2024-09-19)
- Talesperson för Kinas ambassad i Sverige besvarar en svensk politikers felaktiga kommentarer om Kina(2024-07-16)
- Spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in Sweden Answers the Question Regarding the Wrong Remarks on China by a Swedish Politician(2024-07-13)
- Uttalande av talesperson för Kinas Ambassad i Sverige om Kina-relaterat innehåll i Sveriges nationella säkerhetsstrategi(2024-07-09)
- Remarks by the Spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in Sweden On China-Related Contents in Sweden’s National Security Strategy(2024-07-09)
- Uttalande av talesperson för Kinas Ambassad i Sverige om felaktiga kommentarer av enskilda svenska politiker angående Taiwan-frågan(2024-06-04)
- Remarks by the Spokeperson of the Chinese Embassy in Sweden on Certain Swedish Politicians' False Statements Regarding Taiwan(2024-06-04)
- Uttalande av talesperson för Kinas ambassad i Sverige om svenska mediers relevanta rapport gällande en kinesiska medborgare(2024-04-09)
- Remarks by the Spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in Sweden on Swedish Media's Relevant Report Regarding A Chinese Citizen(2024-04-08)
- Uttalande av Talesperson för Kinas Ambassad i Sverige om Säkerhetspolisens lägesbild 2023–2024(2024-02-22)
- Remarks by the Spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in Sweden on the Content Relating China in Säkerhetspolisen’s Situation Picture 2023-2024(2024-02-22)
- Talespersonen för Kinas ambassad i Sverige svarar på journalisternas frågor om den svenska regeringens utrikespolitiska deklaration för 2024 som berör Kina(2024-02-15)
- Remarks by the Spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in Sweden on the content related to China in Sweden’s Statement of Foreign Policy 2024(2024-02-15)
- Remarks by Spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in Sweden on the Election in China’s Taiwan Region(2024-01-15)
- Kinas ambassadör i Sverige Cui Aimin har publiserat en signerad artikel i en svensk tidsskrift Fokus Kina(2023-10-08)
- Remarks by Ambassador CUI Aimin at the Reception for Celebrating the 74th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China(2023-09-24)
- Kinas ambassad i Sverige höll ett firande mottagning för 74-årsdagen av grundandet av Folkrepubliken Kina(2023-09-24)
- Talesperson för den kinesiska ambassaden i Sverige gjorde ett uttalande om Xinjiang-relaterade frågor(2023-08-23)
- Remarks by Ambassador Cui Aimin at the Reception Celebrating the 96th Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army(2023-07-29)
- Spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in Sweden Answers the Question regarding China-related Content at the ECFR Annual Council Meeting 2023(2023-06-09)
- Spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in Sweden Answers the Question regarding China-related content at the Stockholm China Forum(2023-05-31)
- Celebrating the 73rd Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China - Speech by Ambassador Cui Aimin(2022-10-01)
- Celebrating the 73rd Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China - Letter of Congratulations by State Secretary for Foreign Affairs of the Swedish Caretaker Government H.E. Mr. Robert Rydberg(2022-10-01)
- Celebrating the 73rd Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China - Congratulations by Representatives from Various Sectors(2022-10-01)
- Further Remarks by the Chinese Embassy Spokesperson on Pelosi’s Visit to China’s Taiwan Region(2022-08-10)
- Remarks by the Chinese Embassy Spokesperson on Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi’s visit to China’s Taiwan region(2022-08-06)